Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Market Reviews

Didn't know I didnt blog for 2 weeks, was gathering research since market was flat, now that range extension has taken place, topping process continue.. now i sound like a broken record... haha...

Previous resistance was at 2750, but there is a higher chance we will hug the previous broken uptrendline for a blow-off. The soonest we touch that line, we had it.

Guocoland (bear flap, buying on RSI, gap 2.16)
Indo (valid for blow off above 1.80)
Noble (gunning for all-time intraday high of 2.70)
Wilmar (nice consolidation, gap at 6.75)
Ezra (vol??)
hi-p (breakout)
Suntec (breakout)
Yzj (look like shorting covering today, and of course, becos if shorted it, see how consolidation)

Short list:
Capland (only valid tmr for a gapup of more than 5cents)
Olam (going for a blow off hugging uptrendline, ard 2.80)
Rotary (Short above 1.20, cover old high)

set your own stop

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