Friday, October 23, 2009

Breakout list

Financial One - 0.50

Macarthurcook industrial -0.42

Sinwa - 0.52

Super coffeemix - 0.675


Engro - 0.91 hmm...

longtime never see this list rite.ya.. small size

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Largest % rally in STI without correction

Classifiy them as huge range

Apr 1990 - 1109 - 41%, 13mths
May 1991 - 1565

Oct 1992 - 1333 - 77%, 4 mths
Feb 1993 - 2366

Nov 2001 - 1332, 35%, 4mths
Mar 2002 - 1801

1998 rebound rally
Aug 1998 - 862 - 79%, 5mths
Jan 1999 - 1547

Correction of (1504-1362) - 10%, 1mth

Feb 1998 - 1362 - 60%, 5mths
Jul 1999 - 2175

Bull market 2003
May 2003 - 1300 - 44%, 12mths
Feb 2004 - 1884

Correction of (1895-1700) - 11%, 1-2mths

May 2005 - 1700 - 56%, 12mths
May 2006 - 2659

Correction of (2659-2367) - 13%, 1-2mths

Jun 2006 - 2367 - 55%, 12mths
Jul 2007 - 3635
*slight correction at on Feb07

Correction of (3633-3322) - 9%, 1 mth

Jul 2008 - 3635 - 7%, 3mths
Oct 2008 - 3900

Notice something very interesting, % of gain, mths, correction move in unison until the last rally breaks the trend

Mar 2009 - 1440, 87%, 7mths
Oct 2009 - 2700

Number besides is % gain, number of mths achieved, eyeball test, by definition of correction means 10% from the high.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Market Reviews

Didn't know I didnt blog for 2 weeks, was gathering research since market was flat, now that range extension has taken place, topping process continue.. now i sound like a broken record... haha...

Previous resistance was at 2750, but there is a higher chance we will hug the previous broken uptrendline for a blow-off. The soonest we touch that line, we had it.

Guocoland (bear flap, buying on RSI, gap 2.16)
Indo (valid for blow off above 1.80)
Noble (gunning for all-time intraday high of 2.70)
Wilmar (nice consolidation, gap at 6.75)
Ezra (vol??)
hi-p (breakout)
Suntec (breakout)
Yzj (look like shorting covering today, and of course, becos if shorted it, see how consolidation)

Short list:
Capland (only valid tmr for a gapup of more than 5cents)
Olam (going for a blow off hugging uptrendline, ard 2.80)
Rotary (Short above 1.20, cover old high)

set your own stop

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Market Reviews

Market has been range-bound for the couple of mths, make me probe about the possible change of strategy, previously strategy works well if I do really religiously follow it

My own P&L equity curve serves me as the best indicators, when breakout failed, mostly we are profit taking or range-bound. When short setup failed, most likely still in period of consolidation. But just a summary to what going on now:

Mar- Jul
Breath & Vol goes in hand
Chart formation work best: bullflap, ascending, flat consolidation breakout

Aug - Sep
Vol goes to pennies, high for many stocks achieved.
Short of failed breakout have to wait 1day
Momentum trade for the pennies (which i got to learn, especially those breakout for 2-3days pennies)

Oct -
Where shall it be?
Uptrend line breakdown seem to be slower than flat consolidation breakdown (when it flip it upside down, u get it)

I am working on a set of indicators to determine the market strength on which phase we are in.
1. Z call
2. STI weekly chart - above 10EMA
3. STI component charts - number of stocks above 20EMA
4. Breath of stocks- which i am still thinking how many days should i put

Alright pls comment though i guess most of you will be more interested in what is below:

Capitaland: 3.72 (should at least threaten the previous low at 3.50)
Swiber: 0.92
Kepland: 2.82 (shorted too early, this should be the price)
Olam: 2.50
Ho bee: 1.50
Sembmar: 3.20
Ausgroup: 0.74
First target of STI- 2,580, 2500

by now should know the number besides is the cutloss pt, entry is only useful for determine your risks