Sunday, August 24, 2008

Money Managment

The Expectancy Formula :
(Avg$Win x Win Rate) - (Avg $Loss x Loss Rate) = Expectancy

Been thinking about discretionary accounts with 100k,
  • Average Dollar Win
  • Win Rate
  • Average Dollar Loss
  • Loss Rate
  • Maximum Drawdown
  • Maximum Positive Return
  • Maximum Consecutive Wins
  • Maximum Consecutive Losses
  • Average Number of Consecutive Wins
  • Average Number of Consecutive Losses
  • Standard Deviation of Monthly Returns.
  • Average annual return

So taking Ray Barros principle,

I accept a 3% as my maximum risk. If my avg number of consecutive losses is 3 and the average loss is 1%. I can now estimate that the objective maximum percentage loss.
I multiply my maximum number of consecutive losses by 3. So now the number is 9. So my possible worst case drawdown on average would be a 9 x 1% = 9%. I then multiply the standard deviation of monthly returns by 3. Let’s say that comes out at 27%. I now have the boundaries for my worst case scenario: 9% to 27%.

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