Monday, June 23, 2008

Major selldown from 1998 onwards

The below is by counting, so don't quote me if wrong:

9323- HIGH - 30days (1998)
7544 - LOW - 19%
1st rebound - 21days
11720 - HIGH - 40days (2000)
9800 - LOW - 16%
1st rebound - 9days, 2nd - 20th days, 3rd rebound- 28days
recovery: 11420 (14%) - 15days

2427 - High - 45days (18Jan00)
2020 - Low - 17% (25Feb00)
recovery: 221 (9%) - 7days
STI sell in between these 2 selldowns
11223 - HIGH - 26days (2000)
9974 - LOW -11.1%
1st rebound - 6days, 2nd - 21st days

recovery: 10928 (9%) - 9days

2190 - High - 26days (05Sep00)
1800 - Low - 18% (18Oct00)
recovery: 2068 (13%) - 12days
10860 - HIGH - 10days (2001)
9397 - LOW - 13.5%

1910 - High - 29days (09Mar00)
1562 - Low - 18% (19Apr00)
10361 - HIGH - 41days (2002) - 55 days - retest and lower
7688 - LOW - 25.8%
1st rebound - 28days
recovery: 9086 - 12% (20days)

9059 - HIGH - 33days (2002)
7290 -LOW - 19.5%
1st rebound - 10days, 2nd - 22th days

1724 - High - 96 days (22May02)
1340 - Low - 22% (14Oct02)
1st rebound - 27days


1 comment:

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