Sunday, March 8, 2009

Market Review

Market remains treacherous on both US and SG, what has normally been historical edges in determining intermediate bottom has remained unwarranted in this environment. What is notable is still the weakness in properties but strength in commodities and oil related.

Of course, mkt revert to the mean if it is too stretched. But the difficulties part is to set very tight stops

F&N - enter on 2.00, cp -1.96, tp - 20ema
Sembcorp - enter on 2.04, cp - 2.00, tp - 2.14(downtrend line)
SGX - enter on 4.20, cp- 4.16, tp-20ema, 4.36+ (downtrendline)
Citidev - enter on 4.23+, cp 4.20, tp, 4.6(downtrendline) - seem like touching longterm support
UOB - enter on 9.00 (breakout steepdowntrend) , cp - 8.82, tp - gap or 20ema

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