Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trades Taken Post

You would have noticed the new "trades taken" column on the right

1. Instead of giving % gain or loss, I will switch to dollar value due to SGX minimum bid sizing
2. Reasons for trades taken, exit and mistakes made will be made I guess once a week or twice, depending on frequency of it

-Anticipation of failure of breakout of uptrendline
First short was done at 3.14 with decending triangle on intraday chart, initially wan to short more at 3.11 but impatient when it breakdown to 3.08, avg 3.11 Covering done at 3.04 was right for breakeven but 3.05 was mistake when wanting it to run.

-Anticipation of breakout of trading range
Price hovering near breakout line but tradeback, should wait for volume to pickup

-Weak volume breakout, reaching upper band of bollinger band
Short nicely at 0.38, cover for breakeven at 0.37, leave rest to run. Note: must be cautious as counter on short-term uptrend, target will be 0.35 for 20MA

Anticipating breakdown of support, lower highs (is a hedge against SGX due to whipsaws)

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