Friday, February 20, 2009

Trades Taken

Just a mention to F&N since I am testing on a strategy on bollinger band

Enter on outside of bollinger band by
-Either Opening/Closing/Intraday,
- Enter on stock > 6.5% drop exceeding BB (1)
- Enter on >4% beyond touch of BB line (2)

Enter on below calculation
Closing prev 2.5
Line on bollinger 2.5
Percentage (1) :0.04800
Percentage (2) :0.04800
Favourable price:2.38
Yes, but right the favourable price should be 2.38.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Position Sizing

The reason why the P&L for trades taken is in absolute amounts, rather than % is due to the minimum bid structure in SGX

For <$1, 0.005 per bid
For >$1, 0.01 per bid
For >$10, 0.02 per bid

Which means if % is used for calculating between $3 stock and a $1, P&L will be skewed towards $1stock if I gain/lose 0.10each for both counters.

Given P&L in absolute amounts, whether your entry size is 10lots or 2 lots, the results will be easily compared. But there is slight note to be taken especially comparing results <$1 and >$1

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Trendday vs Consolidation

How do we recognise a trend day from consolidation.

1. Whether gap is filled during 1hr30min?
If yes - trendday
If no - consolidation

2. When all counters at a certain direction during opening? (Usually after 2-3consolidation)
If yes - trendday
If no-consolidation

Never sell your counter in an uptrendday, vice versa

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nice articles

What marks out the few managers who made money last year is that, like Soros and his ilk before them, they took big macro bets on the state of the world. Indeed, Hedge Fund Research found that ‘macro’ managers — who take massive positions on the movement of currencies, commodities and interest rates — made an average of 5 per cent last year, whereas the average hedge fund lost more than 18 per cent.

There is no real mystery about that, and nothing strikingly novel. In a bull market, all kinds of clever, debt-fuelled strategies make money. In a bear market, only a very few, very gutsy investors survive. The money managers who can get away from the herd, who do their own research, who don’t mind taking contrary positions and, most of all, get their timing right, are the ones who do well in tumbling markets. Any successful financier over the past couple of centuries could have made the same point. But the lessons are re-learnt in each business cycle. And the people who learn them best become the voices to be listened to for the next cycle — which is why we can expect to hear a lot more of the likes of Paulson, BlueGold and Mulvaney in the years to come.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trades Taken Post

You would have noticed the new "trades taken" column on the right

1. Instead of giving % gain or loss, I will switch to dollar value due to SGX minimum bid sizing
2. Reasons for trades taken, exit and mistakes made will be made I guess once a week or twice, depending on frequency of it

-Anticipation of failure of breakout of uptrendline
First short was done at 3.14 with decending triangle on intraday chart, initially wan to short more at 3.11 but impatient when it breakdown to 3.08, avg 3.11 Covering done at 3.04 was right for breakeven but 3.05 was mistake when wanting it to run.

-Anticipation of breakout of trading range
Price hovering near breakout line but tradeback, should wait for volume to pickup

-Weak volume breakout, reaching upper band of bollinger band
Short nicely at 0.38, cover for breakeven at 0.37, leave rest to run. Note: must be cautious as counter on short-term uptrend, target will be 0.35 for 20MA

Anticipating breakdown of support, lower highs (is a hedge against SGX due to whipsaws)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Market Review

Can the S&P support hold? next stop will be 800 and Nov low will be threatening.
Asian Markets have a wide discrepancy to the US, and looking at the STI weekly below, we can see we have been ranging for 2mths. First hurdle to cross will be the 20MA, to see whether it is a basing actions.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Market Updates

As expected, market drifts for the last couple of days, US S&P forms a symmetrical triangle which is usually a continuation price action, Nov low of 750 or Dow 7,500 will be in danger of breaching. That level will put US index below 2002/2003 bottom and severly damages the technical picture.
On a brighter note, Asians mkt although has breached the uptrend line but (HSI, Nikkei, STI, SSE) had held their higher lows. Price level for us to watch will be STI 1,575 which will give raise to the chance of forming a new low.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mixed Pic

Its pretty much a mixed pic, market feel like breaking down mood but i guessed the impending news are holding them back. But what is more puzzling are US are near its low but asians mkt are holding its higher low though not making any new high.

Levels to watch in STI are 1,588 support, 1,800 as resistance and the uptrendline.