Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Ramba Energy - acqusition of oil&gas not recognised, consistently revenue of 30mio from logistics, which translates to pe10.

Rotary- revenue of 500mio a year, 1.41billion order book, pe at 10 at 1.04y
yangzijiang - revenue of 10billionrmb, USD5.6billion order book till 2012, 9pe at 1.21

Allgreen - Nav 1.41

Wingtai - NAV 2.06

UE - NAV 2.46

Straitsasia - an increased production of 10miotonnes, will result in 1billion revenue, have to keep cost at 300-400

Starhub - dividend during apr 20&may23 of 10cents dividend

hocklianseng - net cash, 574mio order book, 200mio revenue/yr, 6PE

delete some posts because reviewing my lists of buys, anyway only 3 readers.