Thursday, February 18, 2010


Was doing some reviews and here goes the infamous rules

1. Obey my cp, ep, tp, and not affected by how people should look at your end trades.
2. Obey ur pre-plan route
3. Do not be influenced by what surrounding says
4. Do not be late for opening
5. Do not anticipate the trend
6. Listen to the market

Number 5 still is the killer, have to watch it. surprisngly nothing to add to the lis

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is correction?

ARA management
Ezra - z
swiber- z
pec - z

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shorts - SMB Capital

1. Short stocks if they pop to previous support levels
2. If the market trends up for two days then pray for a third day gap up so you can short the market!!
3. Trade with less size as downtrending markets tend to be more volatile
4. Be mentally prepared for the market to meltdown at any time. See on an excellent post on what to look for.
5. If the market gaps down and there is a feeble attempt at a bounce on the Open then put your short caps on.
6. Remember that stocks go down more quickly than they go up. Take a deep breath when your shorts start working and give them some room to trade lower
If a stock makes a hard down move on volume wait for it to pop a little before initiating a short position
7. Don’t fade down moves. Fade up moves!!
Remember that in a weak market we don’t need to have a down day every single day. If we have two hard down days in a row be careful with your shorts on the third day. This isn’t September 2008. The market isn’t gonna drop 20% in a week

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


What is a good tool for investing?

close below 10month moving average - sell
close above 10month moving average - buy

13 week cross over 34week - buy
34week cross over 13week - sell

An eyeball test will show weekly wise show a faster signal but of course weekly. But what is more interesting is both occurs at the sametime, woo hoo, strike gold?