Sunday, July 26, 2009

Breakout list

Here you goes again:

- NOL: 1.70
- F&N: 3.98
- RafflesMG: 3.96
- Swiber: 0.92
- KS energy: 1.20
- Kep T&T - 1.47
- Olam
- Straits
- Sembcorp

Seem commodities turn now

i need a machine to stockscreen breakout, this is tiring.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Here u goes

Doing a post mid of the week when I have sometime to refresh myself physically

10days of gains, chase the price? :)

high lists
- Wilmar
- Ascottreits
- cambridge
- CDL Htrust
- falconenergy
- hl finance

Breakout list
- First Resources
- ascendasreit
- lian beng
- manhanttan resources

- C&G
- yongnam

argh... so many dun do liao...

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Ah.. been a terrible week for shortists and here i am, with a personal reviews

1. Obey my cp, ep, tp, and not affected by how people should look at your end trades.
2. Obey ur pre-plan route
3. Do not be influenced by what surrounding says
4. Do not be late for opening
5. Do not anticipate the trend
6. Listen to the market

Out of those above, main mistake was definitely 6, market was telling me on Mon, Tues with surprisingly good internals (strong advancers vs few) but i refuse to listen.

No doubt this can be a complex topping action

Here goes the market
Whether this rally have legs will much depends on next week,
Any first downside - 2,390, next few level will be 2,350 and finally 2,318 (the wonderful candle that negate 2 gaps at 1 time)
Upside potential will be 2,620 but the real test come in at 2,720 and that's will be a true test of faith

China energy - waiting for breakout
Chinaaoil - waiting for 1.16
Cosco - above 1.2+
Yangzijiang - above 0.80
Midas - above 0.82

Commodities & Marine
Firstresour - 0.70
KS energy - a retest of 1.08 will have me long
Noble,straits - slight chance
kepcorp - look nice

HPL: 1.66+
Parkway - 1.70+
UOL - gd support at 3.20

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Let the rain fall

We are setting up for some nice shorts if not because of the strength of the index by the banks & singtel.

S&P is oversold and due for a bounce. A positive open will have me let the rain falls on all sectors.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Market Reviews

Cover some shorts for miniature gains

Many counters setting up in apex triangle or sideways pattern. It will be interesting how it will unfold.

Pennies got strength, blues are ranging. Will we have strength.

Will be on reservist till next wed, guess I will be sidelines, observing, let them break.